Monday, January 2, 2017

Meeting the Beards

Colin & Judy Beard served as missionaries in this area in 2012-13.  They were here before the Sabbath was changed to Friday, so they know many members who cannot come to church anymore.  They came for two days and wanted to see as many people as they could, so they arranged for a dinner with some members from the JB Branch at the beautiful  Pekin Chinese restaurant.  These are members who were in the branch when they were here.  We know all of them, because they are all still active.

The Beards, Tees, Eunice, Ben, Dada's family, us, Jeff's family

The round thing that looks like a starfish is Lotus.  It was just sort of nutty.

Dada & her daughter Rachel were baptized while the Beards were here.

They all really love the Beards, so they enjoyed the evening very much. 
It was fun for us to get to know the the Beards  just a little. 

On Wednesday we took them to visit some of the members in the Masai Branch that they know.  It was hard to find people home during the day
but we did find two families who were expecting us.

These two are sisters, Serawa & Gia.  Gia lives with Serawa and her husband and family.
They served us lunch which was delicious rice with curry chicken.  Most often in Ebon homes you just sit on the floor.  Everyone usually sits cross-legged, but I cannot do that.
They found two stools for Elder Lamb and Bro. Beard.

The dad was at work, but the boys were home for the Christmas holiday.
They are such a sweet family.  I am anxious to get better acquainted.

Madeline Sa has been a member since 2007.  Her mother who lives with them, is also a member.  Madeline has three teenage daughters and this darling little two year old.  She is not able to come to church because she works on Sunday.   Every time I meet one of these families who cannot come, my heart breaks just a little.

While we were there the girls came home.  They had been to the store to purchase a gift for Sister Beard.  I didn't know about these girls when we had our youth activity, but they said they would like to come next time we have an activity. 
Notice the little one with the hand signs.  So Cute!!

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