We received an e-mail from one of the senior couples from SLC, who had a request from a member of their ward at home. He has a friend who wanted someone in Johor (where we live) to visit a site of a Malaysian Airlines crash which took place in 1977. The plane was hijacked from Penang and crashed in downtown Johor Bahru. All 100 people on the plane were killed . It was the 40 year anniversary of the crash and she had an uncle that was killed in the crash. She wanted to have pictures and a rubbing of his name on the monument.
This was her response when I e-mail her that we would be happy to do this for her.
I am covered in chills just thinking about the possibility of you getting to my uncle's memorial site. Yesterday was the 40th anniversary of the crash. His name is listed as Ahmad S. Naimie, he is the only person from Afghanistan on the memorial. I would appreciate any photos of his name. This next request is a way above and beyond and something that I might have to do on a future trip to Malaysia. I have seen people take a piece of paper and a black crayon to the Vietnam Memorial in DC.
This seemed like such a small request to us and one that we were happy to do.
Our friend Ben helped us find the crash memorial sight and actually did the rubbing for us.
After our visit I sent her these pictures along with the rubbing. This was her response.
Oh my goodness gracious!! As soon as I stop crying and catch my breath I'm sure I'll have something eloquent and coherent to say.
Elder & Sister Lamb,
Thank you, thank you, thank you. This is the BEST Christmas blessing I have ever received, and I consider myself to be so blessed. I can hardly contain my emotions, I am filled with some much joy and gratitude to you all! Bob, thank you for being such an exceptional human that two people who are strangers to me and my family would have enough faith in you to visit this memorial for me.
Elder and Sister Lamb, I don't think it will be possible for you to understand in this lifetime how much this means to me and my family. You have answered a prayer I have had in my heart for almost a decade. I didn't even know about this memorial until 2008 and have wanted to visit it since then. Recently, with the 40 year anniversary of my uncle's passing, I wanted more than ever to make a connection. I know he hears my prayers and I feel his love. There's a part of me that misses him - someone I've never met and so I really wanted to go to the site. You can't imagine the peace and happiness you've brought to my heart. I may never make it to Malaysia, but I am content knowing that someone made the visit on my behalf. You are angels. You have truly answered my prayers. I pray that the blessing you've bestowed on me will be paid back to you and your family, 10 fold.
Merry, merry, merry Christmas. Thank you for filling my holiday with your light and love.
Nothing more needs to be said.
This was an experience of service that we will never forget.
We didn't think it was much, but to her it meant everything.
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