Our new Masai Branch Presidency planned a joint activity with the JB branch
which was held on May 27.
Because it is the month of Gawai, which is a traditional Iban harvest festival,
they used that for the theme.
Since we don't have a church building, we had the activity at the park
and had a potluck dinner, a few games and lots of friendshipping.
There were over 60 people who attended, which was wonderful.
If only they would catch the vision of the importance of attending church, it would be more wonderful. We still only have between 20-35 who come to church on Sunday.
We did have quite a miracle happen. Two hours before the party was to start there was a torrential thunderstorm. When rain comes down here, it comes in buckets. Some of the members started calling and asking if we were still going to have the activity,
and Elder Lamb told them yes. Just pray that the rain will stop.
We arrived at the park about 4pm and it was still raining. Elder Lamb and the two full time missionaries prayed and asked that the rain would stop so that we could have our activity. Almost immediately it did stop, and didn't come back that evening. We had a wonderful time and in spite of a little water everywhere, we weren't deterred from our fun.
Some of the young sisters prepared treats and hung them from the leaves of a small tree. In a real Gawai celebration, it is certainly more authentic
but they made do with what they had.
Later the children could come and get a treat from the tree.
Bro.Taha made a traditional game for Gawai where
they blow darts at the target.
Everyone really enjoyed watching and participating in the competition.
I loved this couple's traditional Iban clothing.
It is always fun to taste the different foods that people bring.
These are just part of the traditional Iban costume. I wish you could see them up close because they are made entirely of tiny colored beads .
Some of the sisters in the branch made them. They are truly beautiful!!
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