Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Linger-Longer in the JB Branch

On the last Sunday of each month, the JB Branch enjoys Linger-Longer after church.  The members really enjoy being together and socializing and sharing the food that they bring.  We are so happy to share food and fellowship with them.  There are some very wonderful people here, who are all so welcoming to us.  They love the Chocolate Cake that I bring, so I guess that will have to be a tradition.  I think I will have to make a special dish each month, but always Chocolate Cake

This young couple have been taking the missionary lessons, and he was recently baptized.   Last week she was very ill and was receiving traditional Chinese treatments, which were very painful for her.  Elder Lamb asked her if she would like a blessing, so they came to the church and Elder Lamb and the Branch Mission Leader gave her a blessing.   He explained to her that she would need to have the faith that the blessing would help her, and she said that she did.  Very shortly after, they texted us and said that she was feeling better, that her pain was gone.  They were at church on Sunday and as you can see, she is smiling and no longer in pain.  I am so thankful for the power of the Priesthood that can bless us when we are in need.


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