Sunday, September 11, 2016

Our First Real Missionary Experiences

The past two days have been very rewarding for us.  We finally feel like "real" missionaries. 

Yesterday we took two Elders to visit Sister Susanna.  She is such a sweet sister, who is a quite recent convert to the church, but finds it very difficult to come to church because she lives a long way from the church and does not have money for a taxi.  She lives in a group apartment, with no furniture.  The Elders found a couple of stools in the other room that we could sit on.  Whenever you enter someone's home you always take off your shoes.
  We talked to her about how she learned about the church and about her family.  We found out that she is a widow and her only son lives in Australia.  The Elders gave her a short message and then talked to her about saving her money so that maybe she could take a taxi to church one time a month.  She smiled and said that she would do that.  They also told her that we could come back to visit her sometimes and bring the sacrament and message for her.  She had such a sweet spirit and we felt so good when we left her home.

Sister Susanna

Later we took the other Elders to visit the doctor who treats the missionaries when necessary.  They had never met him, but they talked to him while he was eating lunch at a restaurant The Elders basically taught him the condensed version of the Plan of Salvation.  He had many great questions, and agreed with the things they were saying and his questions were answered to his satisfaction.  At the end of the discussion, he simply said "What do I do now?"  Elder Lamb told him that the missionaries could come to his home and teach his family in about 6 appointments.  He said he would have to see if he could make that happen.  This was another special experience as we listened to the Elders testify of the truths of the gospel.

On Sunday we attended Sacrament Meeting in the JB Branch because Elder Lamb had been asked to speak.  His subject was "How Living the Gospel Helps With our Challenges." 

We then left and went to the Masai Branch (Malay speaking) for Sunday School and Relief Society/Priesthood meeting.  Even though I don't understand the words, I truly felt the spirit as they taught the truths of the gospel.  These are such warm and loving and friendly people, it is very easy to love them back.

These are some of the Relief Society Sisters with a few Young Women included.

The Branch President and his family are so delightful.  He works as a bus driver in Singapore, so he rides his moto into Singapore every day.  He said he usually gets home at 2 or 3am.  What a dedicated man he is, as he trys to run the Branch and his family responsibilities. President Bahak, Sister Alan, Ryhme Ivry age 14,Joanna Jessy age 11, Chevonne Nangel age 5, Joyee Luffi age 2 and (not in picture) Eilyn Esterina age 18

 /David, Nancy, Fazina age 20, Jeswin age 5 and Feliczen age 14
Melita with her two daughters Ashley age 9 and Atkinson age 2.  The Branch Presidents little daughter sort of jumped into the picture.  What a cutie!!

After church we took the Elders to visit this wonderful family.  They joined the church 2 or 3 years ago. 

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